More than 200,000 empty homes in England

According to recent figures, at least 200,000 homes were left empty for over six months in 2016 with Birmingham coming up tops with the highest amount of vacant homes. Evidence shows that Bradford and Liverpool are not far behind.

Combined together, the value of these empty houses is around 43 billion. It’s shocking that this is the case when the UK’s housing market is currently in a crisis due to the shortage of properties for people who are looking to rent and buy.

The issue with empty homes is that they’re at risk of being broken into by squatters. This can consequently cause a neighbourhood to decline. It can also mean that the value of the house drops.

In order to lower the number of empty homes in England, both the council and the government are working collaboratively to reduce the tax incentives which has, in the past, encouraged people to leave properties empty. They have increased council tax bills for those with second homes and has put measures in places to ensure that there are stricter rules on any council tax discounts for vacant homes.

This should hopefully help to decrease the number and therefore have a knock on effect on the housing market.