New code for home builders gets approval

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has this week, approved a new Consumer Code for Home Builders (CCHB) to ensure customer service standards are maintained during the marketing, purchase and sale of new homes.

The CCHB covers 90% of new builds in the UK and other warranty boards are expected to comply with the requirements of the code. These surround the need to ensure a fair and transparent home buying process for all customers. New home buyers can have confidence that their transaction is robust if they see this code in place.

In order to meet the standards required by the CTSI, the code was examined for how it would raise standards across the industry and how it will monitor compliance. If non-compliance was found, the code needed to show what remedial action will be taken and how complaints will be resolved. The Code also needs to keep pace with changing markets and legislation.

CCHB Chairman Noel Hunter has stated that getting CTSI approval and endorsement will drive up standards across the industry and help to provide the tools and training that housebuilders need to offer the best service for their customers. 

Sue Stewart from CTSI points out that buying a new home can be stressful and that this extra reassurance that their rights are protected is important for customers. She says that this CODE demonstrates fair practices and good governance in how it supports customers.

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